About this event
Saturday, September 13th 8:45am
The 2025 BC interior road trip is a scenic three-day drive into the interior of BC.
Day 1 Starting in Mission BC we take highway 7 to Hope, highway 1 to Spence’s Bridge and then back roads to Logan Lake, Lac La Juene and Kamloops where we overnight.
Day 2 will see us taking a scenic route through orchard and wine country to Merritt, Princeton, Oliver and then Osoyoos. There will be time to relax and take time to visit wineries on day 2. Lunch and dinner venues will be prearranged for day 1 and 2 and meal payment will be included with the registration fee.
We are receiving special rates for the hotels in Kamloops and in Osoyoos. We have also arranged for special rate for day 2 in the Osoyoos for those that may wish to stay an extra day. The trip will formally end in Osoyoos. Participants may then make their own arrangements to travel with others back to their home area. In this regard we are expecting participants from various parts of BC, Alberta and Washington State. This drive is open only to drivers that are members of recognized BMW clubs and their passengers.
Upon registration details of group rates are provided. Exact meeting point will be provided closer to the event date.