Fri, May 24 - Sun, May 26, 2024

Club Drive - Osoyoos Wine Tour with BMWCSA

Osoyoos Holiday Inn

About this event

This member only (driver) event requires registration for each person in your party and optional wine tour payment to participate. Detailed instructions and routing will be sent in advance to those registered.There is no "drop in" option.

Time to mark your calendar, register via Motorsports Reg and book your hotel room for this for this exciting new club drive.

To participate please:

  1. Register (no charge) and pre-pay for the (OPTIONAL) Saturday evening wine tour for each participant in your group before May 11th.
  2. Book your hotel room at the Holiday Inn & Suites, Osoyoos by May 5th. We have negotiated group rates with the hotel that are the best in town. A link will be provided once you register for the event in your confimation notice.

(Southern Alberta members)

Day 1 May 23 (Thursday) Details from own club

  • AB Club drives out to Osoyoos
  • Overnight stay in Creston

(BMWCCBC members)

Day 1 May 24 (Friday)

We meet Friday morning at the Cineplex Langley parking lot 20090 91A Ave, and head east on Highway 1 towards the scenic Hwy 3 (Crow's Nest) towards Ossoyoos.  The club will provide water and snacks for the drive.  We will make one gas stop and lunch break (member expense) along the way. Details to follow. We overnight at the Holiday Inn Osoyoos. In Osoyoos we will meet up with members of the BMWCC of Southern Alberta, which has worked with us in designing this event. For those who wish, we will have a group dinner that evening (member expense and details to follow).

Day 2 (Saturday)

is more fun roads as we are planning a group drive (details to follow) through scenic roads in the Okanagan to the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory with lunch in Oliver at Pappa's Firehall Bistro.  After that we will head to Area27 to view the track and races at the Kartplex scheduled for that day. 

Later that afternoon, once we are back at the hotel, for those who are interested, we will be having a group wine tour organized by Sip Happens. The Tour includes transportaion, guides, tips and taxes where we will visit 3 wineries (Burrowing Owl, Silver Sage, and Hester Creek subject to change) with a dinner stop at the Miradoro Restaurant at Tinhorn Creek Vinyard, for a couple of hours.  The Tour cost is $180 per person and dinner at Miradoro is at your own cost. The tour busses will pick us up at the hotel around 3:15 and will bring everyone back to the hotel at the end of the night 8:30ish so you don't have to worry about enjoying the wine.

You have three options for the afternoon/evening 

  • Do your own thing
  • Dinner only where you meet the Tour at Miradoro Restaurant (get there and back on your own) Cost is only the price of fixed dinner that you pay at the restaurant $66/pp +tax/tip. Childrens menu available.
  • $180 per person for the Wine Tour (Dinner cost $66/pp +tax/tip is at your expense)

You have until May 11th to decide on whether you want to join the wine tour.

Day 3 (Sunday)

You are on your own to visit the area and make your own way home.

This  Motorsport Reg registration is to RSVP your registration (free) and to pay the optional  $180 per person for the Wine Tour.  Please ensure you register and pay for the driver and all passengers attending the Tour. 

Event requirements

As there will be liquor being consumed no minors would be allowed on the wine tour.

Osoyoos Holiday Inn

Osoyoos, BC


Fun Run/Tour organized by

BMW Car Club of B.C.

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Event over!